Tuesday 8 March 2011

mineral for the day ; ICE

ice is being considered as a mineral as its has the exact characteristic which a mineral must have.A mineral must be a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and a crystalline structure (Thompson&Turk,2007)

but strangely water is not listed as mineral although it has the same chemical composition with ice.simply said ice=water.both are H20.then, why??

it is because water lack with this characteristic( inorganic solid and crystalline structure) to be considered as mineral.ice can be formed with various form on earth which are;

shimmery snowflakes
humongous glaciers
weeee ;D
 HAHAHAHA.serius bukan ni.

inilah ice-cap~
yang ini barulah betul.icecap adalah gugusan2 ais(betulkah gugusan?) yang melitupi tanah *means that bukan 100% ais(bukan ais semata-mata)*

weenie meanie tiny bits of hail
walaupun kecil, besar impaknya ;D
boleh buat profile picture.lawa kot ;D
and those with pointy ice structure is called as icicle.An icicle formed when water dripping or falling from an object freezes.typically,these forms when ice or snow melts from various external sources of heat(sunlight,heater) resulting melted water run off to the area which temperature below the freezing point thus making water to refreeze.over time, icicles ni akan memanjang. ;D

*khas untuk SBG1:mammoth tu name dia manny.

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